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Giving Staffing a Good Name

December 3rd, 2012  

Happy Monday? Heck Yeah!
I know a lot of people are not fond of Mondays, and I understand why. Nevertheless, we can NEVER stop being grateful for what we have. It is certainly OK to want more than what we have, but being grateful is just the right thing to do.
In addition to the above, some people think that being grateful for what we have is a good way to get what we want. I can’t say whether or not they are right, but it does make me ask this question: who is likely to be helped by someone else - the person who is grateful or the person who is ungrateful?
401K Meeting January 20, 2013 - RSVP to Jordan
Please don’t forget to RSVP and then actually come to our 401K Meeting. Our whole 401K Plan is set up to help us obtain life changing wealth. It is not here to make anyone stay with Stambush. Remember, there is no vesting schedule. The 401K Plan is here for us to be better off than we would otherwise be. We all know what happens as we age. Our bodies get weaker, but that is no reason why our finances should get weaker. We can have financial health and strength in the future if we learn how to develop our financial knowledge, but we have to do it before it is too late.
Moreover, the more good Stambush does for you the more of a winner Stambush is. In other words, I want to win, and I can’t do it without you.
Here are the particulars again:
Where: Houstonian Country Club in Sugar Land [map] (Fred is a member)
When: Sunday, January 20, 2013
1PM - Lunch
2PM - Jackie Sheehan and the 401K Meeting
Ouch! It has come to my attention that I accidentally skipped 16-19 of Mr. Hill’s ingredients to developing a pleasing personality. Consequently, I am picking up 16-19 and then back to where I left off.
Again, I understand I am preaching to the choir for most people reading this, but I find this stuff so fascinating and easy to forget that I feel like I have to pass it on. Who knows, maybe someone (a relative perhaps) with an unpleasing personality will read it by chance.
As with all of these entries, these are Mr. Hill's own words and not mine. I'm not 100% endorsing these ideas, but I do think they're good food for thought. Thinking is a good thing...I think.
16. Frankness and Manner of Speech – People who are so slippery that they cannot be pinned down to direct, clear-cut statements cannot be depended on. Without true frankness none of your other skills will be successful.
17. A Keen Sense of Humor - People who cannot laugh when laughter is exactly what is called for are denying themselves a wonderful mental tonic....And a sense of humor makes the simple act of smiling so much easier and does wonders for your Positive Mental Attitude - PMA. (Scott here now – those of you with dry senses of humor who make people laugh by not smiling: keep up the good work).
18. Faith In Infinite Intelligence – The human mind is an intricate machine designed to accomplish things. The power that operates this machine comes from outside the mind, and faith is the master gate through which we gain full and free access to that tremendous power….The power of faith is inexhaustible. It is the ultimate renewable resource, a reflection of the Creator’s desire that we use it in every way possible….Faith’s power is easily attained by any person. No fee must be paid….The only things over which you have complete control are your thoughts. The only real privacy you have is in your mind. It is there that you can make full and complete use of the power of faith to remove limitations from your mind.
(Scott here - Although he didn’t come out and say it, I think Mr. Hill got his religion from hanging around Thomas Edison. I base that on my other readings, but I don't know that for sure.)
19. A Keen Sense of Justice - Unless you deal justly with others, you cannot hope either to cultivate an attractive personality or to succeed in your definite major purpose.
For Your Convenience
Here is a complete list of the "Personality" segment I've ran over the last few weeks. I've included links in them, too, so that you can go back to read the related article if you'd like.
The order of these entries is not the same as the order in Mr. Hill's book. That's because I goofed and skipped a few of the entries, which resulted in some of them not being where they are in the book. Anyway, enjoy!
1. Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) - October 19th
2. Flexibility - October 19th
3. Sincerity of Purpose - October 19th
4. Promptness of Decision - October 19th
5. Courtesy - October 19th
6. Tact - October 31st
7. Tone of Voice - October 31st
8. The Habit of Smiling - October 31st
9. Facial Expression - October 31st
10. Tolerance - October 31st
11. The Appropriate Use of Words - November 8th
12. A Keen Sense of Humor - November 8th
13. Faith in Infinite Intelligence - November 8th
14. A Keen Sense of Justice - November 8th
15. The appropriate Use of Words - November 8th
16. Frankness and Manner of Speech - Today's Issue
17. A Keen Sense of Humor - Today's Issue
18. Faith in Infinite Intelligence - Today's Issue
19. A Keen Sense of Justice - Today's Issue
20. Fondness for People - November 20th
21. Humility - November 20th
22. Effective Showmanship - November 20th
23. Clean Sportsmanship - November 20th
24. A good Handshake - November 20th

The Straight Shooter